Zapowiedź – 84. Spotkanie [ONLINE] – Normalizing Flows

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Serdecznie zapraszamy do uczestnictwa online w 84. spotkaniu grupy MLGdańsk. #zostańwdomu 

Spotkanie odbędzie w poniedziałek 6 kwietnia 2020, o 18.00.

Prelegentem będzie Adam Gabryś (Amazon)

Temat prelekcji to: Normalizing Flows – In the search for models that correctly describe the processes that produce data

Kilka słów od Prelegenta:
Key takeaways:
• Understand the formal and conceptual structure of normalizing flows.
• What are finite and infinitesimal variants of normalizing flows.
• Extending standard definition and exploring the frontiers of normalizing-flow research.
• Applications of normalizing flows.

References: – Normalizing Flows: An Introduction and Review of Current Methods – Neural Density Estimation and Likelihood-free Inference – Normalizing Flows for Probabilistic Modeling and Inference

Link do konferencji Skype:

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