Serdecznie zapraszamy na nasze spotkanie w poniedziałek 24 lutego 2020, odbędzie się ono o 18.oo w sali 106 ETI PG.
Prelegentem będzie Grzegorz Beringer (Amazon).
Temat prelekcji to: Automated Assessment of Pronunciation in L2-English.
Opis (ang.):
Improving one’s pronunciation is a key issue when learning a new language and wanting to be understood by native speakers.
For this reason, there is a growing need for Computer-Assisted Pronunciation Training (CAPT) software. In this talk, I will show you the problems CAPT deals with, specifically pronunciation error detection and diagnosis, where ML models can greatly help.
We will go from the baseline, a likelihood-based score called Goodness of Pronunciation (GOP), through the analysis of GOP constraints, to finally generating and scoring multiple mispronunciation hypothesis, to find what the learner has actually uttered.
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