44th meeting – introduction to RNNs

Meeting was held on 25.06.2018.

The meeting had a form of mini-course focused on Recurrent Neural Networks. The presenter was Karol Draszawka

Karol’s description of course:

“This course presents the basics of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) in the context of sequence labelling problems. The need for RNNs is shown first. After that, basic RNNs architecture and the training algorithm Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT) are given in theory and implemented using Tensorflow primitives. Considatations about problems with such basic RNNs leads to the design of refined RNN architectures, such as LSTM and GRU, which are next implemented, also from Tensorflow primitives. Lastly, some examples and tips for using RNNs for real problems are given.”

Our next meeting is on 9th July 2018. All ML Enthusiasts are welcome to join us!