Zapowiedź – 87. Spotkanie [ONLINE] – Regularizing and distilling knowledge nicely with TensorFlow Datasets

Serdecznie zapraszamy do uczestnictwa ONLINE w 87. spotkaniu grupy MLGdańsk.

Spotkanie odbędzie w poniedziałek 1 czerwca 2020, o 18.00.

Prelegentem będzie Krzysztof Czuszyński (Solwit)

Temat prelekcji to: Regularizing and distilling knowledge nicely with TensorFlow Datasets

Kilka słów od Prelegenta:

Prevention of overfitting for image classifiers can be done in a variety of ways. One of the methods – ranking regularizer – requires satisfaction of some conditions of mini batch content as it is based on triplet loss mining strategies.

Other important DL technique applicable also in image analysis models, that will be discussed briefly, refers to guided training of small footprint models, based on knowledge learned by larger teacher models. Comfortable handling of both cases will be presented utilizing API.

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